Bienvenue dans l'univers de Paul Mc Crawfish, John Crawfish, Georges Crawfish, et Ringo Starfish. Hélas pour eux, les quatre membres de ce mystérieux 'phenomenal pop combo' vont être loin de faire hurler les filles avec ce premier album sorti en 1974, dont le premier tirage se vendra à moins de cinquante exemplaires et dont la pochette leur vaudra d'être menacés de poursuites judiciaires par Capitol Records. Et, pour en apprendre un petit peu plus (?!), le Dr Faustroll ajoute une interview de Homer Flynn (aka Mister Skull, membre de Cryptic Corporation et porte-parole officiel des Residents) réalisée dans le cadre d'un sujet pour France Culture, par le journaliste Jean-Philippe Renoult, en 2001, et jamais diffusée...
There definitively have been some strange things
that have happened around Residents performances
Homer Flynn
5 commentaires:
Meet The Residents (1974):
Homer Flynn Interview (2001):
Comments are very welcome...
Meet The Residents tracklist:
02.Numb Erone
03.Guylum Bardot
04.Breath and Length
05.Consuelo's Departure
06.Smelly Tongues
07.Rest Aria
09.Spotted Pinto Bean
10.Infant Tango
11.Seasoned Greetings
12.N-Er-Gee (Crisis Blues)
16.Aircraft Damage
thx - especially for the homer flynn interview! curiouser and curioser... :)
a slight correction on your tracklist above - tacks 13-16 are bonus tracks, they are the residents' first official musical release, the double single "santa dog" (1972).
some info from the residents' homepage:
"The 1972 two disk "single" Santa Dog, supposedly about "a wiener dog in a Santa suit" and with a title that's an anagram of "Satan God", was the first published recording by the people soon to be known as “The Residents.”
The package was the founding release from Ralph Records and consisted of two 45s in a hand silk-screened gatefold sleeve which was printed to look like a Christmas card from an insurance company. This sleeve included '50s-ish drawings illustrating each song surrounded by text saying "Season's Greetings from Residents Uninc." and announcing the upcoming Vileness Fats project. 500 copies were pressed but only 400 were usable because of various problems. Some of the sets were shrink-wrapped before the varnish on the silk-screening was dry and the packages had to be torn apart to be opened. Of the 400 usable copies, 300 were sent out to friends, record companies, and anyone else who came to mind. Richard Nixon was sent a copy, as was Frank Zappa, whose copy was returned "No Longer At Address" and was later given away in a contest.
Santa Dog consisted of four songs, each attributed to a different composer and musical group:
* Fire -- (Wanda Play) Ivory & The Braineaters
* Lightning -- (M Givens) The College Walkers
* Explosion -- (Della Gnue) Delta Nudes
* Aircraft Damage -- (B Barnes, C America) Arf & Omega featuring The Singing Lawnchairs
The last track, Aircraft Damage, was written for Vileness Fats. It is the chant Arf & Omega, Siamese twin tag-team wrestlers, use to try to summon the Indian princess Weescoosa to help them save the town of Vileness Flats.
Many thanks for these complementary infos, M. Lucky... Credit tracks (not so complete as yours) are provided in included artwork and more (Lyrics RZWEB notes, Uncle Willie notes, Bach is Dead notes,Liner notes and Crawfish photos) can be find at http://residents.com/historical/page0/page6/page6.html
Rien à voir avec les Residents ( que j'ai un peu de mal à écouter ...). C'était juste pour te demander si avais lu la critique de Nicolas Ungemuth à propos de Vince Taylor ( parue dans le dernier Rock Folk ) . Si ce n'est pas le cas et que tu as deux minutes , passe faire un tour sur notre blog ( qui te rend une fois de plus hommage ).
que de sympathiques découvertes sur ce blog...
merci à vous cher(e?)Dr F.
un vrai plaisir de errer dans ce cabinet de curiosités...
c'est bien gentil à vous d'essayer de combler le manque de culture musicale de pauvres internautes échoués aléatoirement; j'aimais déjà bien The Residents mais si j'avais su qu'ils me feraient atterrir sur un si bon blog...
bonne continuation à vous dans votre pataphysique, pauvre savant fou...c'est d'un triste...ça redevient gai...
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